For Tier I 24/7/365 support, please call: +1 (855) 217-8098
For Canvas training, questions on how to use Canvas more effectively, and for log-in issues please contact: (formerly
The Canvas Instructor Guide can be found here:
Usually, the issue is that whatever was created was not published. Pages, Modules, Assignments, and more have the option to publish or unpublish. This means that when you create a page, you will see it, but the students will not until the page is published. In the linked guide, you will find steps on how to publish or unpublish a page.
The student view button allows you to see exactly what one of your students would see going through your course. This button is helpful to make sure that you have set up and published course items properly so that the students can access them. In the linked guide, you will find steps on how to use the Student View button.
No, you cannot make any changes to the Home page, or associated page titles linked to the Home page buttons.
Please contact us at with the name and email address of the TA and the course and section number of your class.
Announcements are found in the course navigation menu and are another way for the instructor to communicate with the students about course-related activities, topics, or updates. In the linked guide, you will find steps on how to create an announcement.
Please also see our guide on Communicating with Students.
SeatGen is an external tool that provides access to seating chart creation, pictures, and other student information. For further information and assistance, please contact OIT at
Creating an assignment provides a mechanism to provide assignment details and collect the assignment submission. In the linked guide, you will find steps on how to create an assignment.
Please also see our guide on Course Assignment Creation.
Modules are found in the course navigation menu and are a way to organize your course content (e.g. Files, Assignments, Discussions, etc.) for student use. In your course site, OIT has provided an example of how you could set up your modules, but it is not required to use them. Modules can be set up in a variety of ways, like by topic or chronological order.
Discussions are found in the course navigation menu and allow you to create a topic that the students will start a discussion around. In the linked guide, you will find steps on how to create a discussion.
The Media Gallery is found in the course navigation but is only visible to you as the instructor; students do not see this page. This gallery is linked to our Media Server and allows you to see your available content that can be embedded into you course site. This content is usually any Zooms that you have recorded using your @law Zoom account.
Please see our related guide on Creating and Sharing Academic Recordings.
This linked guide is a supplement to The Canvas Calendar page earlier in this guide.
This may be helpful if you have chosen to cross-list your course with multiple sections. In the linked guide, you will find steps on how to create a calendar event for a specific section.
No, you cannot import your Google Calendar into the Canvas Calendar but you can import your Canvas Calendar into your Google Calendar. In the linked guide, you will find steps on how to create an import your Canvas Calendar.
No, this is unnecessary and ultimately a personal preference whether or not to put your class meetings in the calendar.
Filtering your Gradebook may be helpful if you have multiple sections and you’ve cross-listed your course. In the linked guide, you will find steps on how to filter the Gradebook.