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GW Law Library
Office of Instructional Technology Guides

Using Canvas to Deliver Course Content

Custom Template Elements

GW Law utilizes a custom template for Canvas courses.  This template was designed to create a consistent learning experience for GW Law students.  Note: These Pages cannot be renamed; please do not edit the Page Titles.

Some elements of the template are locked and some elements of the template allow for course-specific customization.  The videos on this guide provide instructions for accomplishing these customizations. 

Below are the pages on your course site that will need to be populated with course information.

Meet Your Instructors:  Add your information so your students can contact you when needed.

Course Overview:  Faculty can add course-related information like your course description and grading guidelines.

Readings and Assignments:  A place where you can organize your course content for your students to easily find their reading and assignments.  You can either go with a weekly format or you can organize by assignments and readings. 

Policies & Procedures:  Includes relevant Law School policies.  Faculty can add course-specific policies to this page.

Course Materials:  Faculty can add required books and readings for their course.

Syllabus:  Faculty can upload their final syllabus for their course.