GW graduate students may directly borrow materials when visiting the law library or may borrow items through CLS or interlibrary loan for delivery to either the Gelman or Himmelfarb libraries. The library is not a pick-up location for items borrowed through CLS.
Material Types | Loan Period | Renewable (materials may not be overdue) |
General Collection | 42 days | Yes for 42 days; items may be renewed a total of 3 times |
Reserve | 2 hours for use in the library | Yes, after a 30-minute wait period |
Bound Periodicals | Not Applicable | |
Consortium Loan Service (delivered to Gelman or Himmelfarb Libraries) | 42 days |
42 days; items may be renewed a total of 3 times |
All items borrowed from the law library are subject to recall and must be returned within 7 days of receipt of the recall notice. Recalled items borrowed through interlibrary loan must be returned immediately.
Undergraduate students may borrow items from the general collection through the Consortium Loan Service or through interlibrary loan for delivery to the Gelman Library. The library is not a pick-up location for items borrowed through CLS.
Materials | Loan Period | Renewable (materials may not be overdue) |
Consortium Loan Service | 42 days | 42 days, with a limit of 42 days |
Reserve | 2 hours for use in the library | Yes, after a 30-minute wait period |
Bound Periodicals | Not Applicable |