Faculty liaison librarians can provide specialized research support to research assistants. Ask your faculty member for the name of their liaison librarian or ask us for the librarian's information.
Proxy Forms: GW Law students who are research assistants for GW Law faculty may borrow books from the law library as a "proxy" for the faculty member. A copy of the form is linked below; fill out the form, send it to your faculty for them to forward to circ@law.gwu.edu. Or obtain a copy of the faculty proxy form from the circulation desk in the law library; return the completed form to the circulation desk. The form must be signed by the faculty member and must include an expiration date for the term of service.
Loans: Books and materials borrowed on this record must be for research assigned by the faculty member. Books and materials borrowed on this record are attached to the faculty member's borrowing record. A book in your name for use by the faculty member is your responsibility; be sure to borrow books for faculty on your proxy record.
Non-GW Law students: If you are not a GW Law student but are a research assistant for a GW Law faculty member, please ask your faculty to email Iris Lee, Head of Collection Services, at ilee@law.gwu.edu, for special arrangements.
As a GW Law research assistant, you may be asked to photocopy materials for your faculty member. You may have a sum added to your GWorld specifically for that purpose. Obtain a "Photocopy Approval Form" from the reference desk on the first floor; the form must be signed by Kasey Brzezanski, Director of Finance, or Tammy Tideswell, Senior Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs. Submit the completed, signed form to the law library's Administrative Office (BM01); a sum for photocopying will then be added to your GWorld card.
Notice: The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material; the person using library equipment is liable for any infringement.