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Board of Immigration Appeals decisions
Administrative Appeals Office Decisions
Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer Decisions
Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals Decisions
"President Donald Trump’s executive order banning entry into the United States by immigrants and refugees from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen is facing legal challenges in a number of federal jurisdictions." See all immigration posts on Lawfare here.
From the University of Michigan Law School's Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse:
"In his first week in office, President Trump issued three Executive Orders relating to immigration and refugee policy. The two immigration orders, available here and here directed much heavier use of detention for those seeking lawful status, an increase to the number of deportation officers, and building of a border wall. The order on refugees, available here, totally barred admission into the United States of all nationals of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen--including those who are already legal greencard holders and already here. It suspended the refugee program for all countries for 120 days (indefinitely for Syria).
Legal challenges ensued immediately; the key cases and a spreadsheet of all the cases we know about dealing with the refugee/visa order are available at this Clearinghouse special page. Cases addressing the immigration enforcement orders are here. And Freedom of Information Act cases against the Trump administration, including a great deal of litigation relating to immigration and border enforcement, are here."
Feb. 17, 2017.