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GW Law Library
Office of Instructional Technology Guides

Create Academic Recordings

Mediaspace via the Media Center

Classroom Recordings

When you make a GW Law classroom recording request, you may not have included who to make it available to. When there is a student need for the recording, please email the following information to the Media Center:

  • ​Course number and section number (e.g. 9999-10 Web Portal Law)
  • Class date(s)
  • Student @law email address

This is only necessary if you did not choose "release all" for your recording release preference.

@Law Zoom Recordings

Up to 2 hours after you end the Zoom meeting/recording, you will receive a notification email from Zoom stating that “Cloud Recording - *name of Zoom meeting* is now available”.

Zoom cloud recording email notification

Please forward this entire email to the Media Center at and state that you would like it made available to the entire class, or to certain individuals. Please provide @law email address(es) if the recording is just for certain individuals.

Please include the entire course number and section number (e.g. 9999-10 Web Portal Law) when making requests from us, if not already in the Zoom title.

We request the Zoom notification email because of the necessary details it provides (meeting "topic"/name, date, and time). These details help us efficiently find the correct recording on our Media Server. We do not require the recording link and passcode.



The Zoom emails state that the cloud recording will delete in 4 days; this means they will delete from your personal @law Zoom account storage in 4 days. This limit cannot be changed for any reason.

@law Zoom cloud recordings are automatically uploaded to our Media Server and saved there. Zoom recordings on our Media Server are not accessible to anyone outside of the Media Center employees, regardless of class recording/release preference, unless the request above comes into

Thus, if the class was held via Zoom, the professor must inform us via email to make it accessible to the class, even if it is a release all class. Zoom recordings do not have an automatic release mechanism like traditional automated classroom recordings.

Embed in Canvas

Zoom Recordings or Recordings Created Using the Kaltura Integration

  1. Choose the location you want to embed the media (Announcement, Module, etc.)

  2. In the Rich Text Editor, click the plug icon and then click View All.


canvas announcement creation screen and rich text editor.


  1. Select Embed Kaltura Video.


Canvas all apps pop up window with embed kaltura video option


  1. Then click Add From Library.

embed kaltura video pop up window


  1. Now, find the desired recording and click the green Embed button.


embed kaltura video choose from media gallery screen


  1. The video will be embedded in the page. Lastly, click Publish at the bottom of the Rich Text Editor box.


Canvas announcement creation screen with embedded video an publish button.


Please contact for any assistance with this Canvas process.

Upload External Recordings/Videos Using Kaltura (Not For Full Class Recordings)

  1. Choose the location you want to embed the media (Announcement, Module, etc.)

  2. In the Rich Text Editor, click the plug icon and then click View All.


canvas announcement creation screen and rich text editor.


  1. Select Embed Kaltura Video.


Canvas all apps pop up window with embed kaltura video option


  1. Then click Upload Media.

embed kaltura video pop up window


  1. Now, upload the desired recording from your computer.embed kaltura video drag and drop or choose file screen

  2. Then, click the green Embed button. embed kaltura upload media upload complete screen

  3. The video will be embedded in the page. Lastly, click Publish at the bottom of the Rich Text Editor box.


Canvas announcement creation screen with embedded video and publish button.