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GW Law Library
Office of Instructional Technology Guides

Create Academic Recordings

"Channels" vs "My media"

Release all (Option 1) recordings are found in "Channels"

Release upon prior consent/with permission (Options 2 and 3) recordings are found in “My media”


For reference:


Faculty Release Options

(1) Release by default.

(2) Release for pre-approved reasons [determined by Dean of Students Office] or upon prior consent

(3) Release upon prior consent only

Faculty Recording Policies Spreadsheet

Access via Canvas

Access via the 9 Dot Google Apps Menu

1. Log in to your @law email account.

2. Click the 9 dot Google Apps menu towards the right corner of the page.

Screenshot of Google 9 dot menu in @law email, scrolled down to show the highlighted MediaSpace app.

3. Scroll down and click the MediaSpace tile.

4. Continue to "Channels" or "My media" as appropriate.