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GW Law Library
Office of Instructional Technology Guides

Teaching an ON Course

Canvas Help

For Tier I 24/7/365 support, please call:  +1 (855) 217-8098

For Canvas training, questions on how to use Canvas more effectively, and for log-in issues please contact: (formerly

The Canvas Instructor Guide can be found here:

Clean Up the Canvas Course Site

If you have inherited an existing course or even if it is your previous semester course, you would need to go through the course site and make sure the content is up to date and as desired.

Items you may need to update include:

  • The Home page if it includes dates and previous instructor information.
  • "Meet Your Instructor(s)" page
  • "Policies and Procedures" page
  • "Course Materials" page
  • Syllabus
  • Modules
  • Assignments and their due dates
  • Discussions and their due dates
  • Quizzes and their due dates

Schedule the Zoom Class Meetings

Find Student Information

Use the People tab in the course navigation menu to find the students currently enrolled in your class. During Add/Drop time, this page will refresh once everyday in the morning.

Note: Pictures will only appear here if the student added a picture to their Canvas profile. OIT does not control the photos included or not included on this page.

Communicate with the Students

1. On your Canvas course site Home page, click Announcements in the course navigation menu.

Canvas course site home page with Announcements click highlighted.


2. Click the blue Announcement button.

Canvas Announcement page with create Announcements button highlighted.


3. Type in your Announcement content like Topic and body text.

Canvas announcements creation page


4. Click the Publish button.

second half of Canvas Announcement creation page with publish button highlighted.


Your Announcement is now posted.

Published Canvas Announcement screen showing full announcement.