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GW Law Library
Research Guides

Administrative Law

Federal Statutes

Federal administrative law is governed by the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. §§500-559. In order to locate the specific enabling act for an agency, use the General Index of the United States Code to search for the name of the agency.

You also may use the U.S. Government Manual to identify an agency’s enabling act, powers, and responsibilities.

History of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA)

Federal Regulations

Consult the Library's Federal Regulations research guide for more in-depth information.

Agency Decisions

Dozens of federal agencies publish decisions in print sources called reporters or on the agencies' websites. Consult The Bluebook for a list of United States official administrative publications. Search library catalogs for those publications by title.

Case Law

The Library's Case Law guide provides links and information on how to search for cases.

State Statutes

State administrative law issues are also governed by administrative procedures acts and corresponding enabling acts. To locate these statutes, use the index to the state’s code, searching for the name of the agency and for administrative law and procedure or administrative rulemaking.

Consult the Library's State Materials guide:

State Regulations

To locate state regulations on a topic, consult the index or table of contents of a state’s administrative code. 50-State Regulatory Surveys may also be helpful.

Consult the Library's State Materials guide: