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Law360 Telecommunications logo

Law360 news articles report on major litigation developments in specialized practice areas and industries, including telecommunications, as well as developments from state, federal, and international legislatures. It's a very good idea to start receiving daily email alerts on telecommunications.

Articles link to court dockets and key documents; company and firm links direct the user to pages containing major developments involving the organization.

"Track Law Firms and Companies" allows the user to search or browse by law firm or company.

Daily email alerts are available for each practice area or industry you choose, however links embedded in email alerts only work when user is behind a Law School IP address. Follow the instructions below to get around this limitation if you will not be on campus.


IF you are not on campus in the Law School's IP range, do the following to browse Law360 directly and/or to sign up for alerts and then access the articles later:

1. Access Law360 from the A to Z database list or at 


2. Sign up with your @law email to receive email alerts, called "newsletters," here:

3. Scan the daily message for topic ideas. When you find an article that interests you, copy that headline from your email, then open and paste in that headline to retrieve the full text of the article.

4. Many articles have full-text filings and other primary source documents provided that are current, often within a day of an order or decision. Take advantage of this service and download those that interest you. For example, see this article from the September 9, 2020 Telecommunications newsletter:

AT&T article with Order attached

The attached order is the full text order granting defendant's partial motion to dismiss from the U.S. District Court from the Central District of California signed on September 8, 2020:

Federal Court Order


5. Again, the only way to access the full-text of the article you received in your email alert (and to access any attached documents) is to paste the article headline into Law360 accessed from the A to Z database list.