The Jacob Burns Law Library subscribes to dozens of legal research databases, giving members of the GW Law community online access to hundreds of thousands of books and articles. Most online resource vendors control access by checking to see if the user is on the GW Law data network. When the terms of our database subscriptions permit it, the Law Library uses a proxy server that can make authorized members of the GW Law community (e.g. faculty, staff, and current students) appear to be on the GW Law data network even when they are off-campus.
Most of our online resources are available from off-campus, but there are some types of online research services you won't be able to use through the Burns Library proxy server:
If you have any problems or questions related to the Burns Law Library's online resources, please contact us at
GW Law students, faculty, and staff can use our proxy server for off-campus access to most of the databases to which the Burns Law Library subscribes. The URLs for our IP-authenticated databases in the Law Library's online guides and catalogs are already configured to use the GW Law proxy server.
The Burns Law Library proxy server authenticates users based on their GW Law School username (e.g. and password. When you click on a link that is configured to use our proxy server, you'll get one of the following results:
In the Burns Library's guides and catalogs, we've modified the URLs so they will work with the proxy server, but If you subscribe to online legal newsletters from National Law Journal or Law360, the links in those newsletters won't be formatted to work with our proxy server: If you use Chrome as your browser in Windows or Mac OS/X, you can add an extension that will make it easy to access those links while off-campus.