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The Dembling NASA and Government Procurement Collection is the gift of the late Paul G. Dembling, J.D. ’51, who in 2001 donated his professional papers to the law library. During his long career in law and public service, Mr. Dembling served the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in several capacities, including Deputy Associate Administrator and General Counsel. He is known as the principal architect of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, and a great part of the Dembling Collection concerns the legal and practical issues surrounding the creation of NASA. He later served as General Counsel of the General Accounting Office, eventually continuing his distinguished legal career as a lawyer in private practice and as a lecturer at the George Washington University Law School.

For Paul Dembling’s first-hand written account of the genesis of the National Aeronautics and Space Act, please see his 2008 article, “The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958: Revisited,” in Volume 34, Number 2, of Journal of Space Law, pp. 203-220.

View the catalog record for the Guide to the Papers of Paul G. Dembling.

Link to NASA’s 50th anniversary magazine for the interview “Present at the Creation: Paul G. Dembling, Author of NASA’s Founding Legislation” at:

Link to the obituary for Paul Dembling in A Legal Miscellanea (Volume 8, No. 1, Spring 2011):

A Legal Miscellanea

In 2007, the Law Library received the papers and books of the late emeritus professor of government procurement law John Cibinic, Jr., co-founder with emeritus professor Ralph C. Nash of the Government Procurement Law Program.

Also in 2007, the Law Library received the record of the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) in the noted case New York Shipbuilding Co., which treated the issue of recovery of “imputed interest.”  This gift came to the archive courtesy of presiding Administrative Judge John Lane of ASBCA, and constitutes the entire record of the decision, including briefs, exhibits, and hearing transcript.